Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Very First Post

This will be my first post. I am very new to the world of Blogging, but I love reading and writing. I thought I would share my thoughts on books with my friends and family. I read a wide variety of books, so there should be something for everyone.
If anyone has any suggestions on books they would like to hear about, just leave me a comment. Of course, you are welcome to leave me a comment anytime. That will help me to know I am not in here all alone.
Thank you for visiting my blog. And I hope to see you again soon.


  1. I love weight loss books, if you find any I would love to hear about them:)

  2. I'm just letting bloggers know I have another give-away contest running on my blog this week at Not Entirely British.
    THREE prizes this time - books and a CD from LDS author/speaker Sarah Hinze. Here's a snippet from her website: "Sarah's own healing experience prompted her and her husband, Brent Hinze, Ph.D., to embark on their search nearly twenty years ago. For two decades, she interviewed individuals and chronicled what she calls "prebirth experiences," or communication from children before they are born. Her work has provided solid evidence that unborn children can warn, protect, and enlighten us from another plane of existence."

  3. Donna,
    I am wondering if you have received my book for review - "You Wanna Go to Willard?" With the publishing of my book have started blogging myself. I would love to connect with others and discuss my book and blogging techniques for beginners.
